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Dashboard - Authors

In this section, you can oversee all the authors who interact on your different corporate accounts.

This page provides you with information related to the authors who publish on your accounts and posts. 

The overview allows you to quickly identify problematic behaviors and take instant actions. It also gives you the opportunity to pinpoint positive authors and increase engagement with them by making them your brand ambassadors.

Author page overview

Overall sections

The author page lists every author who posted at least 2 comments on the date range you set up. It articulates 3 different tabs: Ranking, Actions history and Upcoming actions that are detailed below. 


The ranking tab is the entry point of the author page, which provides you with the list of authors to be sorted out or filtered by your preferences.

By source

page auteur source
By clicking on the source button, you can filter authors by social network account.





By username


In order to identify a specific author, you can search for his or her exact username using our search bar. 




By sorting preferences

page auteur sortingThis block allows you to sort authors by categories or message count, based on their volume of messages and not the percentage.




Author information

For each author, you get these information:

page auteur ligne auteur

  • Type: the source of the author (social network account).
  • Author: the username of the author.
  • Status: whether the author is active or banned.
  • Message statistics: the author message total with distributed analytics of his/her behavior on hover.
  • Action: the possibility to ban, unban and mute an author by clicking on the ban hammer. Authors can be banned for one hour, one day, two days, one week, two weeks or permanently.

Ban blocks an author from posting content, while mute allows you to remove the messages from a specific author who will still appear as active.

The mute option is available through Bodyguard.ai technology, even on social platforms that do not offer it. It is available on all social platforms, except TikTok.


If you need more info, you can access the author advanced details by clicking on it. 

On the message tab, you will be able to have: 

page auteur details auteur

  • The date of his/her first message.
  • His/her ID.
  • The list of his/her messages to be filtered by category, action, classification, severity or the person or entity it is directed at. You can manually remove or retrieve some messages and check out the details.
  • The possibility to translate any of the messages that is not in the language of your browser, by clicking on image-png-Oct-31-2023-10-03-58-0497-AM, and to reverse with image-png-Oct-31-2023-10-04-43-9136-AM.

The translation feature is part of the Advanced plan. If it is not displayed, reach out to our Customer Success team to upgrade your plan.

On the action tab, you will get:

Authors upcoming actions

  • Upcoming actions: if the author was banned temporarily, the upcoming unban will appear there, with the user who triggered the action. Same with the mute action.
  • Action history: all logs from ban/unban and mute/unmute actions that have been triggered and the user who triggered them.

Bodyguard technology can trigger automatic actions on authors based on thresholds you set up. To do so, reach out to our Customer Success team.

Actions history

Authors action history

The actions history tab lists all actions that have been taken on your community with: 

  • the type of social network the action was taken on
  • the action to ban, unban, mute and unmute
  • the author concerned
  • the user who triggered the action or if it was automatic
  • the date of the action

Automatic actions on authors (Bots, spam, toxic authors) based on thresholds of your choice can be enabled through our Customer Success team.

Upcoming actions

page auteur upcoming actions

The upcoming actions tab is where you can find the action that will take place in the future. If you have decided to temporarily ban or mute a particular author, it will display the date this author will be unbanned or unmuted. It will also display who triggered the action (a user or Bodyguard.ai), when and on what social platform.

Automatic actions on authors (Bots, spam, toxic authors) based on thresholds of your choice can be enabled through our Customer Success team.