In general settings,you will find all your info about your user account!
General settings combines multiple sections. You can find details on each one of them here:
This first section provides details related to your contract, such as the name, the status of the account, the active languages for moderation, your industry and the number of messages.
The sources section is where you can manage the accounts you have connected.
A source is the entry point that allows Bodyguard to retrieve data, in this case posts, comments and replies.
It is also possible to connect a proprietary environment, such as your website or mobile application, via the API.
Add source
To create a new source you want to connect, click on 'Add source'. This modal will appear:
You can create different types of sources:
Social media sources
If you need to monitor and protect social media sources, you can go to the first option. You can then select the type of source you want from the social media platforms we currently cover. You will be
redirected to the connection funnel.
X Monitoring
This type of source enables users to supervise accounts and keywords on X (ex Twitter) without any credentials required, meaning without having to connect any existing X account. You will have to fill up the fields, and data will appear in your analytics under the 'flagged' status. If you need to change account or keyword to monitor, we advise to create a new source and remove the old one in order to keep consistent data.
You can also connect a proprietary environment such as a website or a chat to protect it with Bodyguard. You will have to choose a name for the source, and select the moderation profile you want to apply to it to custom moderation rules. Everything else is documented in our dedicated API documentation.
Once created, you can find all your sources in the source section. It is possible to use the search bar to find an account when there is a large number of pages.
The information available in the Sources tab are:
- Source type: social media logo
- Source name: your page or account
- Source health (source status):
- New: the source has been created but has never been connected yet, and is not protected. You can find here our help to connect your sources for each social media.
- Disconnected: the source is not connected anymore.
- Unprotected: the source is connected but not protected. You need to activate protection with the toggle button.
- Protected: the source is well connected & protected by Bodyguard and we have analyzed at least one comment in the past 24h. You can move manually the prot
- No activity: the source is well connected & protected by Bodyguard but there wasn't any comments in the past 24h. It will go back to “protected” as soon as one new comment is posted.
--> if your source did receive some comments in the past 24h, please tell us so we can investigate more. - Expired: the source has been disconnected and is not protected anymore.
Here are some reasons explaining this status:
- Invalidation of connection tokens following a change of source's password.
- Invalidation of connection tokens following a change of rights for the Bodyguard application.
- Invalidation of connection tokens following a Facebook decision because they would have potentially detected strange behavior on the page concerned or banishment of the owner of the page.
- The protection slider of a source: protected or not. This slider can be moved manually so that a source is no longer protected.
For Social Networks Sources you can also find:
- Connect or refresh to allow first connection or reconnection of an account.
- Copy/share the connection link: it sends it to the user so they can enter their login information for a social network connection.
- Rename: custom or change the name of the source (only on Bodyguard, not the social media).
- Change moderation profile: it allows choosing the profile you want to apply to this source. You can create and edit those profiles through the "Moderation profiles" section.
- Remove source: it enables the deletion of a source.
Connect links
The connect links section allows users to share links and QR codes to other stakeholders in order for them to connect sources. This is useful for Bodyguard users who do not have admin status over some accounts and pages they need protected.
Create connect link
Click on 'create connect link' and this modal appears:
Fill up all fields and save:
- Link name: you can decide any naming, the goal being to easily find it if you need to create several. A good practice can be to include the recipient of the link.
- Allowed connections: a dropdown list allowing you to pick the social media platforms you need to connect.
- Moderation profile: the rules of moderation you want applied by default on the sources that will be connected. You will be able to modify it at any time through the moderation profile section.
- Set an expiration date: if checked, you will be able to set up an expiration date for the link or QR code to limit connection.
Link information
- Name: the name you chose for the link.
- Allowed connections: the social media the link allows to connect to Bodyguard.
- Expiration date: the date the link will expire, if configured during creation.
- Status: "active" indicating the link is working, "expiring soon" warning the user that the link will expire in the next 14 days, or "expired" meaning the link will not work so you will need to update or recreate one.
Link action
For each link, you can take any of these actions:
- Edit: change any of the selections set during link creation.
- Copy link: copy into your clipboard to easily share it.
- Delete link: remove the connection link.
- View details: access the main information on your link, copy the link or download the QR code.
Moderation profiles
This section lists the moderation profiles you have set up. It also allows you to create a new one, or edit an existing one.
To create a new one, click on "Add profile", and this tab will open:
From this tab, you can pick a name for your new profile, the more precise the better. As you may need to create several ones, it is easier to have a long and descriptive name to easily find it and apply it to new sources for example. We advise to at least have the source and the toxicity tolerance in there.
You also need to select the sources it will apply to, with no limitation. Keep in mind that you can create as many profiles as you want, and that the last profile you edit will be the one applied to the source in case of conflict.
The type of moderation will need to be specified, it can be directed at organizations (corporate accounts), or individuals (personal accounts).
The last two pieces of information you will need to provide are the industry (for contextual moderation and analytics purposes) and the main language of your community.
Moderation preferences
In the same tab, you will have options to configure your moderation preferences, regarding toxic and undesirable content.
Toxicity settings
To keep your community safe, you can adjust the tolerance level, from very strict to permissive. All you need to know about the actions taken according to it are explained in the moderation rules article.
Be aware that "very strict" tolerance level does not apply to individuals, only organizations. Details in this article dedicated to moderation rules.
Undesirable settings
This form allows you to set up your preferences for Spam, Scams, Advertisements and Flood messages, but also comments classified as useless, links or forbidden languages.
Analytics Reporting
This section enables users to create and schedule automated reports. To generate your first recurrent report, click on 'schedule a report' and this modal will be displayed:
In order to set up your report, you will have to fill these fields:
- Name: choose the name that will appear both in the interface and in the subject of the email. The frequency and template will automatically appear, but we advise you to specify the source or source type.
- Recipients: select the users that will receive the report.
- Recurrence: set up your preferred frequency (daily, weekly, monthly).
- Starting at: the date the report will be sent.
- Select sources: pick all sources, or select the ones you want to gather data from.
- Template selection: 4 different types of reports are available with comparisons with previous periods, depending on your needs
- Overview: this is the most complete view of your analytics, divided in 3 subsections
- Message moderation including charts on message distribution over time and by source, as well as action on message by content category and source.
- Community with key KPIs, authors evolution over time, message distribution by languages, Top 10 toxic and positive authors, ranking of most followed sources and post perception.
- Author moderation based on key KPIs.
- Message moderation: a detailed view of your protection and the comments removed with 3 subsections
- Message distribution, with the comment evolution and distribution over time and by source.
- Actions on messages with details on action on messages by source and content category, and the evolution of actions on undesirable, hate speech and hateful comments.
- Messages by classification with detailed views on evolution and distribution of hate speech, hateful, undesirable, positive, neutral and additional classifications (if enabled).
- Community report: the ultimate analysis of your audience, in 4 sections
- Authors with their evolution, and Top 10 rankings of most active sources, as well as toxic and positive authors.
- Followers with their evolution over time and your top 10 most followed sources.
- Community perception with post and source perception from your audience.
- Language with message distribution by language.
- Author moderation overview detailing actions taken on your audience
- Actions on authors with evolutions of banned and muted authors by source
- Overview: this is the most complete view of your analytics, divided in 3 subsections
Once it is all filled, you can save your report and it will be sent to the recipients you specified, on the date you chose. Your newly created report will appear in the 'Analytics Reporting' section of the setting.
From there, you can perform the following actions:
- Edit: it opens the modal to edit the reporting settings.
- Enable/Disable: you can pause the reporting for some time and activate it later.
- Delete: it deletes the reporting.
This section allows you to manage users. You will have access to their first name, name, email address and status.
User status:
- Invited: the user has been invited to join the Dashboard but has not logged in yet.
- Active: the user has logged in to the Dashboard.
- Inactive: the user has been disabled.
User action:
- Cancel invitation/Re-send invitation: if you have invited a new user to join and he/she has not accepted the invitation yet, you can cancel it or send it again.
- Disable a user: disconnect a user account.
- Enable a user: allow a disabled user to reconnect to the Dashboard.
User creation
To create a new user, click on "Add user" to make this tab open:
You only have to fill the first name, name and email address to invite someone to join