NLP, what is it?

Natural Language Processing

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Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a discipline at the border of linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence. It studies all the techniques allowing a machine/software to analyse and understand human language.

Its best-known applications are machine translation, automatic text generation, textual content analysis, spelling correction, conversational agents, voice and text recognition and speech processing.


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NLP applied to social network

The unprecedented volume of textual data, their diversity as well as user interaction networks are all new opportunities for understanding social behaviour but also a major challenge for Natural Language Processing.

💬 Linguistic challenges

Social networks are powerful communication tools where language is invented and tested. The linguistic challenges are therefore numerous: neologisms are created almost every day, new meanings are associated with certain words and new syntactic structures are becoming widespread (sometimes mixing different languages).

In addition, the irregular use or even omission of punctuation, random syntax, incorrect or unusual spelling, the use of abbreviations, emojis and the repetition of letters are all obstacles to an analysis. formal linguistics.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Societal challenges

Some textual data makes it possible to highlight socio-economic, political, geographical, sexual communities, etc. and the format of the platforms favours the formation of virtual communities.

💻 Technological challenges

We know that the volume of data alone and the speed at which new content is created are enough to make any attempt at monitoring or significant manual moderation impractical. Social network analysis therefore promotes the creation of tools and algorithms aimed at monitoring, capturing and analysing the big data extracted from social media with the aim of better understanding and anticipating the behaviours of communities.


About our technology

In this scientific, linguistic and even societal context, Bodyguard has developed a unique automatic moderation technology in real time, based on contextual analysis, which meets the needs of the fight against cyber-harassment, hateful behaviour and messages inciting violence on social networks and video broadcasting and sharing platforms.

By focusing on the analysis of language on social networks and responding to the various challenges posed by the moderation of this language, Bodyguard helps its clients to better understand their communities and thus better manage their behaviour, whether negative or positive.