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Audience intelligence: get exclusive and actionable business insights

Bodyguard leverages LLM power to reveal actionable insights from your audience data. Discover the main use cases to enhance decision-making.

Audience intelligence 1.5

Table of content:

AI 1.5 questions

What is 'Audience Intelligence'?

Audience Intelligence is a new set of capabilities allowing users to ask 5 different pre-defined questions (less depending on their industry) or the question of their choosing to instantly get insights from their data.

Based on LLM technology, it works in the same way to analyze data and answer, except it uses your audience information to provide you with dedicated insights that answer your business needs.

This feature is currently in beta to explore use cases and improve it with selected users.

Identified use cases

For starter, Audience Intelligence explores 5 different use cases based on our users' recurrent requests. For each case, we have developed a dedicated prompt resumed into a simple question.



Anticipate and discover your audience's interrogations by deep diving through their questions.

Q: What are the most frequent questions asked by my community?



Identify hot topics that your audience discusses, how they feel and what they say about it. 

Q: What are the hot topics mentioned?

This use case is not available to the Gaming and Entertainment industries due to relevance of the results.



Explore who is associated with your brand and services and why through mentions.

Q: Who are the people most often mentioned?

This use case is not available to the Gaming industry due to relevance of the results.



Discover your audience’s overall perception of your products, offers, performance and presence.

Q: What are the main products mentioned?

This use case is not available to Sports, Media, and Gaming industries due to the complexity to identify products in those areas.



Take the pulse of your audience at any given time to better understand what their hopes and concerns are.

Q: What themes are positively and negatively mentioned?

This question will not be displayed if your message selection is filtered on categories (Hateful, Hate Speech, Positive...) as it uses them to answer.

Custom use cases

For specific cases, you have the possibility to type your own question at the bottom of the side panel.

For now, it is only possible to ask one question only and get an answer, not to interact further with the tool. If you have other questions or need to further precise your question, just go back and trigger a new request.

Where to find 'Audience Intelligence'?

Analytics section

On the 'Analytics' section, as well as most other sections, you will find a dedicated button to open the Audience Intelligence tab at the bottom of the page. Note that questions and answers will be based on the time frame and sources you have selected.

Audience Intelligence button

From the evolution chart, you will also be able to ask Audience Intelligence for insights based on a pre-filtered selection of messages.

Audience intelligence popup

Messages section

From the 'Messages' section, the bottom button is also displayed to trigger it. Note that questions and answers will be based on the time frame and filters you have selected. On this page, the 'keyword search' functions as a filter. You can look for specific keywords to ask questions based on the results you will have to tackle specific use cases.

AI message section

Posts section

From the 'Posts' section, the bottom button is displayed as well. Note that questions and answers will be based on the time frame and filters you have selected.

AI posts section

Campaigns section

From the 'Campaigns' section, the same button is displayed at the bottom right of the page. Note that questions and answers will be based on the time frame and filters you have selected.

AI campaigns section

How to use 'Audience intelligence'?

Ask questions

AI 1.5 questions

Audience Intelligence is easy to use, you only need to click on the dedicated button to open the dedicated tab.

Choose the question you want answered and the analysis starts, loads and generates results.

The analysis will be based on the selection of messages you set up. By default, the time range is set to the 'last 7 days' and no filter is applied. To enhance results' relevance, you can use the different filters available throughout all sections. 



Please note that this early beta version limits requests (question trigger) to 60k comments. If your request is over the limit, a message will warn you to lower the number of messages used in the analysis. You can do so by changing the filter or time frame.

All analyzes should be based on a minimum of 50 messages to ensure the results' relevance. Choose a larger time frame of change filter settings if the situation occurs.


At the bottom of your results tab, you will be able to copy them in a click to facilitate their integration into your own reports.AI copy

Provide feedback

At the end of the results, you can provide feedback that will help us improve those new

capabilities AI feedback negative If you are happy with the results, click on the thumb up. If not, you can click on the thumb down and fill up a form to provide better context and more details. 

AI feedback info

Check history

AI history trigger

Using the option button, you can also access your own request history to check out previous analyzes.


Another tab opens, allowing you to retrieve any past requests and results. 

AI history

Note that requests are made by user and not organization, so each user can have their dedicated history.